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Who are Probus?
Probus is an organisation founded in 1965 in association with the Rotary International. It is intended for retired and semi-retired gentlemen from professional and business backgrounds made up by independent Probus clubs. Each club is autonomous with it's own arrangements for meetings and other activities. It's aim is to provide opportunities for retired people to widen their circle of friends and activities.
The Probus Club of Nantwich has been established over 50 years.
Meetings & Speaker Programme
Our meetings are currently held in the Nantwich Cricket Club, Whitehouse Lane, Nantwich, CW5 6HH.
We meet every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Our hall is open at 10am and meetings commence at 10.30. A Speaker will normally talk for 40 minutes on some interesting subject and then take questions.
The Club provides a Projector and Screen if required.
Tea and coffee is served before each meeting.

Social Events
The Club runs a full Social Program which frequently includes -
* Lunches Out.
* Theatre visits.
* Factory tours.
* Holiday breaks to interesting places.
* Social and competitive events with other groups.
* Annual and festive events.
Many of the activities can include member's guests.

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